







比尔吉特·菲舍尔在皮艇比赛中获得两块金牌,她成为奥运历史上第一位时隔20年后重新夺取冠军的女运动员。英国赛艇运动员斯蒂文·雷德格雷夫本届再夺冠军,成为第一位在连续五届奥运会上都获得金牌的 赛艇选手。


在开幕式上点燃圣火的 弗里曼摘取了400米跑的金牌,令 东道主的观众兴奋不已。伊恩·索普,17岁,澳大利泳运动员。在本届奥运会中他打破了自己保持的男子400米自由泳的世界纪录,并获得冠军。同时他还和队友为澳大利亚获得男子4×100米和4×200米两枚接力金牌。






基本介绍 中文名 :南方天空下 演唱 :Nikki Webster 妮基·韦伯斯特 时间 :2000年 类型 :悉尼奥运会开幕式闭幕式上献歌 基本信息,内容简介, 基本信息 最喜欢的饮料: 水 出生地:澳大利亚---悉尼 出生日期: 1987年4月30日 星座是:金牛座 最喜爱的歌手:kylie 现在所居住地:悉尼 头发的颜色:金** 眼睛的颜色:棕色 内容简介 歌曲的中文名称是《南方天空下》。2000年悉尼奥运会开幕式上,一个小女孩引起了世界的瞩目!随着她的一个梦幻之旅,向世界展示了澳大利亚的历史!她就是妮基"韦伯斯特!当时,年仅13岁的妮基在悉尼奥运会的开幕式和闭幕式上献歌。小妮基出生在澳洲,在她6岁那年,她拍摄了自己的第一支电视广告,随后便活跃在舞台之上。13岁那年受邀在奥运会开幕式上演唱。在随后的一年里,14岁的Nikki 出版唱片《follow your heart》(《跟随你的心》),跃身欧美乐坛首张勇夺白金销售大碟,被称为“澳洲的小布兰妮”。 There is a peace in our hearts 在我们心中有一个和平的梦想 And a hope in our hands 在我们手中有一个希望 We\'re a family of children 我们是一个儿童的大家庭 we come from many different lands 我们来自五湖四海 Our time is just beginning, 我们才刚刚开始 Our race is yet to run, 后面还有比赛等着我们 But if you would take us with you 如果你能和我们一起 Then we he already won 胜利就会在望 Under the southern skies 同在南方的天空下 Together in this land 在同一片土地上 Every voice in celebration 每一个声音都在庆祝 A family hand in hand under the southern skies 在这里手拉手聚齐的一个大家庭 As one we rise 当我们聚到一起 And turn our eyes to see 我们会看到 All the wonders of the future in a world of harmony 所有未来的希望和奇迹都会在这个融洽的氛围中实现 There\'s a great spirit rising 一种伟大的精神在聚集 From the desert to the sea 从沙漠到海洋 As it sweeps across the southern land 穿过南方的大地 It comes to you and me 来到你我之间 Where the dreamers are the dreaming, 这里梦想在升起 We're the fates of things yet to come 我们的未来即将来临 Every child can be a hero 每一位少年都可以成为英雄 If our world could live as one 只要我们的世界有同一个心愿





















Yes, the Olymipic Games are back down under!

Tonight we are gathered together to celebrate the Games of the new millennium, the athletes' Games, a unique tradition that can trace its origins back over 2500 years to ancient Olympia.

Welcome to the athletes of the world!

Welcome to 28 International Sports Federations and 199 national Olympic Committees!

Our gratitude goes:

·to the people and of Australia, New South Wales, Sydney and all other communities involved, for their friendly welcome and hospitality;

·to Sydney 2000 for the excellent preparation of the Games;

·to the Australian Olympic Committee for its dedication to Olympism;

·to the thousands of volunteers for their exceptional services. You he made the Games possible. Thank you.

·to the mass media for their contribution to presenting the Games to the world;

·and to our partners and sponsors for their support and their belief in the Olympic ideal;

·to all of you, sport-loving spectators here and television viewers around the world.

Buenos dias, Espana.

Finally I would like to express our respect to all those who he made Australia what it is today -- a great country, with special tribute to Aboriginal and Torres Strat islander people.

The Olympic Games are unique and of universal character. They unify of all origins and creed. The contribution of sport to the understanding and unity of our society is extraordinary. Sport and the Olympic Movement are also an essential part of education, which is real wealth of any country. The entire Olympic Movement would like to pay tribute to Greece, birthplace of Olympism, where the tradition goes back over 25 centuries. We would also like to honour the memory of the Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Games.

To all athletes of the world, good luck!

Thank you to Dawn Fraser for being with me?

I now he the honour of inviting the Governor General of Australia to proclaim the Games of the XXVII Olympiad in Sydney, the first Games of the new millenium

under sounthern skies 》 在南方天空下! ————悉尼奥运会

演唱:[澳]妮琪·韦伯斯特 (Nikki Webster )

Nikki Webster 就是2000悉尼奥运会开幕式上演唱奥运会会歌的那个小姑娘! 那时的她只有13岁 毕幕式不是她

Under the southern skies的歌词

Verse 1:

There's a peace in our hearts and a hope in our hands,

We're the family of children; we come from many different lands.

Our time is just beginning; our race is yet to run,

But if you will take us with you, then we he already won.


Under the southern skies,

Together in this land,

Every voice in celebration,

A family hand in hand!

Under the southern skies,

As one we rise,

And turn our eyes to see

All the wonder of the future

In a world of harmony.

Verse 2:

There's a great spirit rising from the desert to the sea.

As it sweeps across this southern land it calls to you and me:

We're the dreamers and the dreaming; we're the face of things yet to come.

Every child can be a hero if our world can live as one.


Under the southern skies,

Together in this land,

Every voice in celebration,

A family hand in hand!

Under the southern skies,

As one we rise,

And turn our eyes to see

All the wonder of the future

In a world of harmony.

